At a time of existential challenges, a new generation of architects is stepping up to the mark


As 2020 nears its end, the 40 under 40 marks the vigour and determination we all need from a vibrant architecture profession at this time, says Emily Booth

At the end of 2016, the cover of the AJ featured the year with the numbers scrubbed out with a marker pen. (After 2016, it couldn’t get much worse, surely?) Last year, we talked about general exhaustion as the country tore itself apart over Brexit. (2016 felt like small fry in comparison). And this year? Well, along came 2020 and took a swipe at the whole world and each of us with it. And here we are now, at the tail end of 12 months, and ‘extraordinary’ just doesn’t seem to sum it up.

So what have we put on the cover of the AJ? We’re looking forward. It’s the 40 under 40 issue, and this year’s cohort, drawn by illustrator Simon Hayes, is among the new generation of architectural talent driving change, despite – and perhaps, because of – this moment in time, this struggle, this year.

Run in association with VitrA, whose support has made it possible to celebrate the success of these outstanding individuals, practices and collectives, 40 under 40 marks the vigour and determination we all need from a vibrant architecture profession at this time.


The climate crisis continues to present an overarching threat to us all. Black Lives Matter protests around the world have shone a spotlight on crucial issues of diversity. Social sustainability is fragile. And yet the energy and commitment evident in the 40 under 40 roll-call – indeed, in all the entries we received – show that young people making their way within the profession understand and are addressing these existential challenges. They are shaking things up and they won’t accept the status quo. We applaud them.

This has been such a tough year. Many have suffered bereavement. We’ve been fearful for our families and our friends. Jobs and plans have been lost, derailed or put on hold. But we have also had to focus on what really matters – and what we need to do to tackle the biggest issues of our time. We have all had to adapt, and out of that have come exciting new approaches, ways of communicating, ways of working. And the resilience of the architecture profession throughout has been admirable.

Thank you for all your support during 2020 – the 125th anniversary of the AJ! Our role is to inform, challenge and inspire you, whatever each year brings. We wish you and yours a Merry Christmas and a peaceful New Year.

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