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WAF slashes ticket price by 50% for Black Friday


World Architecture Festival Digital Edition has announced a special black Friday 50 per cent discount on delegate passes

The event, which runs next week (1-3 December), will bring together the global architecture community for virtual networking, keynote talks and live judging.

To claim their discount, delegates will need to enter code BLACKFRIDAY50 on checkout.

During the event delegates will see some of the greatest living architects presenting their projects to the WAF judging panel and keynote presentations from key industry figures including Jeanne Gang, Ben van Berkel, Sir Peter Cook, Jamie Forbert and Vincente Guallart.


This is the chance for delegates to compare great work from architects across the world and see what it takes to reach the shortlist in future.


A WAF digital ticket will give delegates 90 days of access to:

  • Keynote presentations from world-renowned architects
  • Access to the World Festival of Interiors content
  • Live viewing as the best in show winners are crowned live!
  • 500 on-demand category finalist presentations featuring some of the most innovative practices presenting to the WAF judging panel.
  • Unlimited networking with world-leading architects and suppliers from across the industry


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